15th May Bilbao to Pobena 22k
It just bucketed down today and the wind at times almost knocked us off our feet. We had all our rain gear and some of our warm stuff on and we were reasonably cosy. Wearing all our gear made our packs lighter and so our trek today wasn't so bad. Especially as the last 10k was mostly on a bike track. Easy underfoot although boring. We ended up arriving at Pobena at the Municipal Albergue where we checked in and met some Italians who come from the same town as Fuzz's family and recognize our name A great conversation started and continued in the bar behind the Albergue. Lots of loud talking, laughing and arm waving. Even the grumpy Spanish bartender joined in. I'm amazed at how much Italian I still understand and can even comment on the conversation even though very roughly. A great Camino afternoon was had by all. We never tire of the coincidences that happen but I do tire of how an alburge room with 22 beds stinks on a rainy day!!
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